Inner peace

Touched by God

Nirvana, it does exist

The devil, very much alive
Life is like a game of poker, sometimes you have a great hand and sometimes you just try to make the best out of it, hoping nobody is going to figure out that you got the worst cards ever.
Life has it ups and it's downs and I guess we need to go trough the tough parts to be able to appreciate the sweeter things in life, but it still sucks when it happens though...
I have done both good things and bad things in my life, but I do like to think that I have done more good. Every day is a struggle trying to make the right decision, trying to be less selfish and making the right decision both morally and righteous but it's darn hard...
Well it's just interesting how much crap you have to put up with in life and I am amazed when I think about my journey trough out life. Friends are a rare commodity and so is true love.
I have realized that nothing is free in life, you have to struggle and fight for everything from love to friendship, family, career and happiness.
But it's the struggle itself that makes it worth it, my life would be very boring and meaningless without it, though I have to admit that sometimes I wish," just like you reading this" it would be nice if it would be a little bit easier...if you catch my drift.
So what doesn't brake you, makes you, if you can still stand up and fight for what ever you be live in then that makes you a winner in every way.
I like to take walks it helps me clear my head and when I am pissed of about something or someone I go for a run, every step I take, well somehow it just makes me feel better.
It's like therapy and exercise combined in one...I probably sound nuts for saying this!?
Even at the darkest moments of my life what makes me pull my shit together are two things, I remind myself that it's not over until the fat lady sings and I take strength in God.
I believe there is a reason for everything even when bad things happen.
I am not a bad person I am just a good person that do bad things sometimes and so are we all.
I believe in good and bad as much as I believe in life and death. and it is sad to see people spending so much time being jealous and hateful towards other people, the biggest looser in such a scenario is the person spending their precious moments on negative things that will only end up hurting themselves in the long run.
Karma is interesting I believe that what you do as an individual, that the good and the bad that comes from ones actions will have a huge effect on your life, God knows that I have been exposed to both. I felt compelled to write what I feel right now and I feel calm though I am standing in the eye of the storm, I believe in good and I believe in myself and I believe in the people I love and cherish most.
I may be on the pursuit of happiness and when I say that, I don't mean that I'm not happy, just that I want to be able to feel happiness more often even when darkness surrounds me.
And I believe I'm on the right track to achieve that, it might take longer then I expected but it will happen.
I have always been my own toughest critic, never pleased with what I achieve and being a compulsive over achiever I realize that the only one I hurt is myself, I have to start loving myself and that is the hardest task I have ever been given. Will I succeed I hope so.
I use to be angry at the world, all this injustice and evil, sometimes I still am but I see things more positive then before and I try to take that anger and turn it to something positive this probably sounds like a cliche but I don't care, it's the truth.
Humor helps me through life, I laugh even when it's bad and then I cry. With out being able to see the funny sides of life I would have probably given up along time ago.
Life is not suppose to be easy it's like test from the All mighty and if you try your hardest and make the best out of it and learn from your mistakes then I am pretty sure you will succeed.
It is not religion that is bad it is the people that uses religion as a tool to receive power over others that are bad.
That's enough from the "Love Guru" Olinda today...
Peace out
Stay strong and laugh your ass of it helps!!
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