Well , guys since I don't like the word "blog" it is a bit surprising that I am first of all using the word, which in my ears sounds like a strange venereal disease by the way...Lol not only am I a blog virgin I don't see the point in telling or sharing my thoughts with everybody, but I thought I can share some of my twisted and sometimes weird thoughts on life and mix it with both fashion and trends so it does not become to much of a therapy session...'

My first post is about fitting in, what is normal?
Society and their rules, why can't we all just say what we feel! Well, we probably would end up hurting a bunch of dear friends, family and even boyfriends or girlfriends for that matter. But would it not be refreshing if people where more true to themselves.
After all we all put on a warrior mask before we leave out the door in the morning and some people never take it of in the fear of showing people who they trully are, hell, even I have done that. But that my friends was a long time ago, these days I am just me and I can tell you, that it is very liberating.I always felt different since childhood I don't know why I just always had a different outlook in my life then maybe most of my friends and even parents.
In the beginning I hated the fact that a could never be a follower and just get by no questions asked but then I realized that I am a leader in that sense that I choose my own way no matter what other people think and I don't care about if some people dont like the people I hang out with or don't appreciate the things I like.
I don't like authority cause it makes me feel I don't have any freedom, I am not saying I love anarchy, I just like democracy.
I have a choice and I intend to use my voice for as long as I am alive. I feel like I have an old soul though I am young, I can't explain it but I am sure some person out there must feel the same. No I am not on mushrooms...lol
I know this probably sounds weird to some people but hey thats just me I guess, my name is Olinda and I am weird!
So if there are any other weird people don't be afraid and know that you are not alone.

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