The fall of the mighty dollar

Wall Street in recession or in depression?

The next generation of hostile takeovers - Cyberwar

Where are you now Gordon Gecko?

The Great depression during the 20's!

Statue of Liberty, a symbol for our worlds legacy

Looking for work?
The American economy is in the shite so to say, and some people call it recession and some people are starting to call it depression.
The mortgage crises and credit crunch in America and United Kingdom is taking it's toll on the Global market as we speak. There is anxiety and sadness and panic spreading across Wall street and is starting to look alot like the "Great depression" in the twenties.
Now you might have heard that one of the worlds largest private investment banks has filed for bankruptcy, I am of course talking about the Lehman brothers an 156 year old institution and one of the most prestigious investment firms in the world.
Merrill Lynch & Company can count them self lucky they where bought by Bank of America.
This might not effect "you" but you are wrong and I'm speaking to the people living in Europe and it most certainly will. This has a huge impact on the global economy and since most of the worlds stock exchange is feeding of the boost from the dollar to the sterling and obviously it will also have an effect on the Euro.
Energy costs are up, unemployment rising trough the roof and people can't coop with their mortgages. The war in Iraq has cost the American people and the British government and their people huge amounts in human life's and in financial resources.
The 9/11 effect is working it's force as we speak, and it saddens me that the rest of Europe has not supported England and America in troops and financial aid "more" since this might have ended this hopeless war in Iraq. I hope the people of Iraq can return one day and build up there country and live in a democracy and create a solid infrastructure so it can be a beautiful booming country and culture as it was a very long time ago.
I am not a big believer in war I think that people have a tendencies to reach for the gun more then for a kind word. Of course it easy to say make love and not war but it's harder to practice it in real life. No matter what happens this has had a huge impact and the winners at least financially in this whole ordeal are the Asians like China and Middle East like for example Saudi Arabia, Dubai,Qatar and so on.
I hope one day that people begin respecting each other no matter what religion, Muslims, Jews and Christians should try to respect and accept that we are all Gods creatures and as long as we do good instead of bad we all deserve a chance to live in peace and harmony and accept our differences.
Today if you like to invade an other country you really don't have to fire a single shot, there is a new aspect of war and how to go about things.
The war of technology can shut down a whole country more sufficiently then bombs or bullets.
Now this is some scary shit, this basically means if you got the best hackers and crackers in the world you can create a fire sale and in that way take command of a whole nation.
The aggressors pursue of war is to create panic and fear so people will subdue under a new regime or should I say dictatorship .
People need to wake up and smell the coffee times are getting tougher by the minute and let's hope that the American economy will get back on it's feet because we need the Americans, they are our days Roman empire and we are all a part of it, no matter if you like it or not.
I admire the Americans and the are the only continent in the world that has expanded and built up a nation to become the biggest super power in the world in less then 300 years.
U.S.A was built by settlers from all over the world it is our responsibility to make sure this continuous as it is the worlds legacy.
Some men and women like to create a world for you all to live in it and enjoy harmony and peace and some people just want to see the world burn...
Peace out