The supermodel area is dead unfortunately, these days it's Jessica Simpson and Keira Knightley and God knows who on the cover of the top magazines most of the time anyway.
During the nineties we had Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford etc.
Model where what young girls aspired to look like and I'm talking before it all turned non fab and Kate Moss brought us the Heroine chic look, which in my opinion never was that attractive. All of a sudden young teen girls where going for that malnourished and
homeless look, yeah, that is really sexy, not!
Then the area of celebrity started and it was all movie stars and popstars, great only one thing they ain't models. To see Jennifer Lopez, who is beautiful by the way, trying to squeeze here voluptuous booty in to a size French 38, "well we all know it wasn't no 38" just ain't going to work.
Being beautiful and being a model does not necessary go together, since you need to look good in all angles and be pretty slim since the camera adds a few pounds an most of all you need to be photogenic and like a cameleon.
All of a sudden all I see it's celebs like Beyonce trying to look fa
shionable and it makes me pissed of cause it's putting models out of business. Fashion is more sincere when you don't know the name of the model wearing it since, you have a tendency to focus on the clothes more then the person. I don't want to sound to pessimistic but I miss when models where models, to day if you go to a casting you can't tell the bloody difference, since someone just that walked in from the street to ask for direction could be a model.
I am tired of seeing scrawny ass so called models who look as interesting as, well you just wanna flip the page. I think women should look like women and not like bony teenage boys with long hair. Bring back the supermodels and real good editorials with o
ut the celebs please.
I need my weekly dose of fashion but make it exiting again please.
One of my all time favorites is Linda Evangelista and I taught I'll give you a taste, a little a bit of Italian Vogue old school baby. Now this is a fashionistas dream come thru.
Compare it to the latest" it" model down below and see the difference folks.
Malnourished versus all woman and looking fab.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it bitches cause that is to quote Tyra Banks "Fierce".
And one more thing, please feed the models!!!!

Linda Evangelista

Scrawny ass